
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (England) and The Curriculum for wales. Children learn by playing and exploring, being adventurous, and through creative, investigative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outdoors. The nursery curriculum provides the children with  authentic learning experiences which is structured, balanced, relevant to the child and related to the real world - and rooted in “PLAY”.  

Our aims are:

  • To provide a curriculum which promotes the ‘Early Learning Goals’ identified by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and which dovetails with the National Curriculum, the Foundation Stage is the first part of the National Curriculum, focusing on the distinct needs of children from birth to 5.
  • For the welsh nurseries we provide a curriculum that seeks to engender in practitioners and children a sense of belonging and pride, celebrating the diverse culture of modern Wales and helping children develop a sense of cynefin. It has been developed to support our work with children at the very beginning of the 3 to 16 learning continuum, to ensure they have the best possible start on their journey. We know that high-quality early education provision is essential to children’s development. The experiences, knowledge and skills needed for lifelong learning, active citizenship and future employment begin in the early years. This curriculum aspires to create in children positive dispositions towards learning which, if nurtured, will last a lifetime and provide the firm foundation which all our children need to support them in realising the four purposes of Curriculum for Wales.
  • To provide a curriculum, which takes account of, and responds to, the children’s development needs and allows them to make progress related to their differing abilities.  
  • To ensure the children have positive experiences of success at their own levels, in order to give them confidence and motivation for learning in the future.
  • To provide a curriculum which provides equal learning and development opportunities for all the children within the nursery.
  • To create a partnership with parents and carers to support and enhance the development of the children.
  • To promote a positive self-image and independence within a supportive environment.  Attainment of skills and factual knowledge is combined with instilling values and positive attitudes with personal, social and emotional development being equally important.

Age Groups