Quality Care
At Little Trees Nurseries we aim to make each child’s early years experiences positive and meaningful. We know that children learn best in a welcoming, warm, secure and caring environment, where they are able to experiment, take risks and grow in confidence whilst having fun.
We believe passionately in creating the right environment for children to thrive. The branches of our success stem from our core ‘roots’ and include:
1. Dedicated, highly skilled, caring staff who work in close partnership with parents and families.
2. Nourishing food with a focus on locally sourced/organic ingredients. During the day, your child will receive a freshly prepared two-course lunch using locally sourced ingredients, snacks, afternoon tea and breakfast, if required. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always on offer and menus are available for parents to read.
3. Dedicated sleep rooms which provide all children with the opportunity for good quality sleep.
4. Inspiring play opportunities which are personalised to meet their developmental needs in homely, communication-friendly learning spaces.
5. Welly boot culture which promotes explorative play, physical development and an appreciation of nature. At Little Trees we recognise the positive impact that being outdoors can have on children’s learning and development, so we provide plenty of opportunities for children of all ages to be outside every day.
6. Nurturing each child’s independence through choice making, self-help skills and celebrating that we are all unique and we all belong at Little Trees and beyond.
7. Harmonious relationships are modelled and nurtured to provide children with security, a strong sense of identity and a widening network of friendships which develops their confidence, self-esteem and understanding of people and communities.
8. Involvement in the local community which expands their cultural capital through a rich language and literacy approach, extra-curricular activities at Little Trees as well as trips to the swimming pool, care home, theatre, museums, parks and libraries.
Learning opportunities are developed:
• Through play which is structured at times to enable new skills to develop
• Through children’s interests observed by staff and feedback from parents
• Though allowing children to make their own decisions and choices
• Through providing a range of stimulating resources that children are encouraged to explore freely and through direction from staff
• Through incorporating imaginative play and role-play into sessions
• Through catering for different learning styles and needs so that all children are engaged.
• Through offering very high quality care so that children feel confident, valued secure.