Famly App
Excellent communication with all our parents is at the heart of our ethos and is the reason why we use the Early Childhood Platform called Famly.
The Famly App is a platform that every Little Trees Nursery offers staff and families to collaborate and share knowledge. Famly is designed to be easy to use and accessible on any device and also includes extra features which can help with streamlining administrative tasks within each setting.
Your account will be set up as part of the registration process and forms an instant connection with your child's nursery. Famly allows our Little Trees Nurseries to share updates, photos and videos about your child's day. It also enables parents to communicate with their child's educational practitioner about your child's ongoing progress.
Famly is a one-stop-shop for all communications within Dean Close Little Trees.
What Do Our Parents Think?
We find the Family app really useful and insightful for how our daughter is getting on at pre-school. We get a full list of activities she has done throughout the day, coupled with lots of pictures of the whole of pre-school doing said activities. It’s updated all the time with the meals she is getting, daily updates together with a weekly observation exclusively about her and an activity she has been doing that week, with even more personal photos (which we love to see).
In the early days of our daughter attending Little Trees we’ve also been kept up to date with any accidents that have happened, all of her nap times that she has had, as well as permission for applying and giving of medicine. Also, we were able to know her progress with potty-training and how well that was going when we weren’t with her.
It’s nice to hear the key-person’s comments about how well she is doing and the interaction that they have with her. The freedom to contact the nursery and her key-persons through the app is very reassuring...... so it's a 10/10 from us!